This would happen to be a group project, I worked alongside Andrea Alex and Victoria Senesie. We had decided to give Pandora a new feature, this feature would be a community tab that would essentially help users connect with other people that have similar tastes in music. This feature would allow users to share playlists, see their favorite artist’s live events, have discussions, check their own activity within the community, and even view live streams. When a new user decides to sign up to Pandora they are given the option to take a simple test that allows them to reach certain communities. This community would be built upon specific artists, this will allow people who enjoy listening to a certain artist to connect and share their opinions. We had added the community tab to Pandora’s previous tabs and even redesigned a majority of their pages. I was given the task to design the different pages that fell within the community section. These tabs would be Home, My Activity, Discussions, Posts, Playlists, Livestream, and Events. When redesigning Pandora’s pages we kept in mind what people really liked about their site, which was simplicity and organization. We took this into account and stook to Pandora’s roots, we didn’t alter their style and stayed true to it.